I have had a number of inquiries in to whether this blog is dead. The answer is “maybe”. I have a few ideas for future posts but not the time to write them. People have also asked if I am still skating and the answer to that is “most definitely yes”.


In October of 2018 I decided I wanted to try to film 45 tricks for my 45th birthday. Skating once a week made this a serious challenge but I managed to pull it together in to the video below. It’s not a strict count, a lot of the ollies and 5050s probably shouldn’t be considered separate tricks, but who really cares.  Most of what I filmed was pretty basic but I’m still very proud of this because I learned a number of new tricks and others, that I hadn’t done in years, were a huge battle.


Anyway, I am still on an upward trajectory in my skateboarding at age 45 and it feels fucking great.